About Us

LAUNCH began in 2016 in Manchester, England with a focus on church planting, encouraging leaders to take a risk to “LAUNCH out” into the deep blue oceans and reach people nobody was reaching by doing what others were not doing.

Since then, many partnerships based on shared bold vision and entrepreneurial faith have formed, resulting in countless new churches and ministries.

Many leaders who were barely hanging on and running out of ideas have found not only great ideas for innovation but good friends, whether in or out of their other circles of affiliation because we don’t just need colleagues but comrades, co-conspirators, compadres and confidants!


LAUNCH seeks to recover the apostolic mission and activate the whole people of God as a movement to transform the world.

Launch 2022

We are practitioners and experimenters who see church as a supernatural community that’s all about Jesus - where we make, mature and multiply disciples & leaders, as we meet some of the deepest needs of those where God has placed us, often resulting in new churches planted.

LAUNCH has responded to invitations and prophetic words to learn from and with leaders in other places and now gather pioneering leaders to grow apostolic hubs across the UK.

Living On The Edge Logo

We’ve also partnered with Living On The Edge ministries. Together aiming to coach ‘High Impact Leaders’ worldwide (215,000 already taught face to face in 20 countries), as disciple makers growing High Impact Churches.

Anthony Delaney at LAUNCH

Alongside discipleship training materials developed leading the Ivy Network for 16 years, LAUNCH Founder, Anthony Delaney has also taught LOTE principles in the UK and across the Middle East.

We’re supporting global leaders navigating through uncertain and traumatic times, with tools to deal honestly with griefs without becoming victims of them.

We also share principles from the book of Romans to not only define what a disciple is, but explore how we relate to God, the world, our own identity and gifts, and how to overcome when faced with evil and opposition.

These practical & deeply spiritual insights (and more) will bless you as you join us at LAUNCH - we can’t wait to get to know you and your team!

Here’s a taster video to get you prepared and excited to be part of this apostolic movement of friends on mission.